VIDEO: Coach Saban Discusses Overcoming Adversity
ByCoach Saban:
"I am really proud of the way our team competed today (against Penn State)." It was a tough atmosphere to compete out there. Penn State was well prepared and played well early in the game.
We had to sorta (sic) overcome adversity early on in the game. We wanted to be aggressive today. We wanted to attack. We weren't going to win this game on what the media thought or the rankings were. We had a tremendous amount of respect for Penn State, their team, their fans."

Alabama Football
My Take on It:
In the Coach Shula era, Alabama fans had to get used to (for the most part) Alabama withering under while under attack. The four fingers in the air became a joke instead of a threat. Now, it is a promise.
Alabama's team is well conditioned through spring, summer, & fall workouts. Especially grueling is the 4th quarter summer workouts that are not supervised by coaches, but are obviously required for success come fall.
The result being able to overcome adversity is not only physical but also mental. Saban has this team running like a well-oiled machine, and even if a team like Penn State takes it to Bama with a scripted opening drive, Alabama knows how to respond to adversity.
Overcoming adversity is a quality that teams of Bear Bryant always displayed. They were nothing but winners.
I am so glad to see Coach Saban instilling a drive to win in the heart & soul of Alabama's football team. It’s fun to watch Alabama take it to the enemy and not give up.
The 4th quarter fingers mean something again.... so does the 1st finger.
Roll TIDE!

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